Your questions, answered

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of the most common questions about Downsview West. Whether you're curious about the planning process or the future of the Depot and Carl Hall Road, you'll find our answers here

Carl Hall Road

The future of Carl Hall Road will be studied through the District Plan review process, and Canada Lands is working to better understand how Metrolinx plans to regulate the crossing as train and vehicle volumes change over time. To ensure that this road remains safe for all users, Canada Lands has recently made improvements around the rail crossing.

The Depot

We know that this place holds a lot of historic, cultural, and community value. Canada Lands’ intention is to handle the building separation with great care, high design standards, and recognition of its importance to many different communities.

The East-West Major Street is a critical structuring element for the Downsview Area. Its location was determined through a Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) under the City’s Update Downsview study for the new Secondary Plan. Out of five shortlisted options, the option to go through the Depot was selected because it provides for a continuous connection from Keele Street to Kodiak Crescent, unlocks opportunities for transit-oriented development around Downsview Park Station, and provides better spacing of the rail crossings between Sheppard and Carl Hall Road.

Canada Lands is seeking to better integrate this unique building within the neighbourhood that will surround it. Our strategy must take into account the preferred location for a new East-West Major Street that will divide the Depot into two separate buildings. Although this new major street will require us to remove a portion of the building, it provides opportunities for better public access to the Depot, which creates better opportunities for community uses, affordable commercial spaces, and opportunities for employment -- as well as continued support for local businesses.

The District Plan

Downsview West needs to help achieve the minimum density targets set by the City of Toronto for the Downsview Park Major Transit Station Area. This means that the District will have areas with higher densities in the form of taller buildings with a higher concentration of residential and employment uses. Taller buildings will be spaced to provide light and views through to surrounding areas, and will meet the ground with human-scaled podiums.

The Downsview West District will introduce a host of new community services and facilities to meet the needs of new and existing residents. The capacity of existing infrastructure will be assessed through the municipal review process, led by the City of Toronto.

The Framework Plan is part of an Official Plan Amendment application that led to a fulsome review of the Downsview Area Secondary Plan. The development of the Downsview West District will be guided by the updated Downsview Area Secondary Plan, and approval of the District plan cannot occur until the Secondary Plan is approved. However, the district planning process can help to inform the broad intents of a Secondary Plan.

Canada Lands Company is committed to delivering the affordable housing requirements that will be established through the Update Downsview Secondary Plan process, and exceeding those requirements. We will explore all potential affordable housing funding programs at the municipal, provincial, and Federal level, as well as partnerships with housing providers in both the non-profit and private sectors.

Over 6,000 jobs are anticipated to be created in the Downsview West District, once complete (in addition to the construction jobs created during its development). Opportunities for local economic development will be pursued in conjunction with the City, guided by the Community Development Plan for the Secondary Plan area.

A Community Development Plan for the entire Secondary Plan area will guide future investments in community development in the area, both on lands owned by Canada Lands and by others. We have also engaged with local community representatives’ groups to share information and seek feedback about how the District can have a positive impact, and will continue to facilitate future audience-specific discussions.

The District Plan will include a network of a new rail underpass, new streets, greenways, and other open spaces that will connect the many points of interest in and around the District -- with a focus on walking, cycling, transit and green infrastructure.